Let’s bring safety,

affordability, and

prosperity back to

New York City

On almost every metric, our great city is headed in the wrong direction at an alarming rate. New Yorkers are hurting and angry and looking for change – and I am the only change candidate in the Democratic primary. I’m the only candidate in the race with a business background, and the only one who isn’t a career politician.

Throughout my career, I have consistently delivered innovative solutions to complex problems, from helping local entrepreneurs thrive to supporting global humanitarian initiatives.

I am a pro-business Democrat and a competent manager New Yorkers can trust.

As Mayor, I promise to:

• Revitalize our economy, creating wealth, prosperity, jobs, and higher wages.

• Tackle the affordability crisis, especially housing, which is crushing all but the richest New Yorkers.

• Cut crime 50% by investing in the communities in which most crime occurs, hiring 5,000 more police officers, and making crime illegal again.

• End street homelessness by forbidding it – and expanding and improving our shelter system. It’s not normal and it’s not acceptable that more than 4,000 people are sleeping on the streets every night. They are suffering and it’s incredibly dangerous for them – and for all of us.

• Fix our public schools.

Why I’m Running for Mayor

Let me summarize my campaign: if you love this city, are worried it’s headed in the wrong direction and you’re looking for new leadership, I am the only change candidate in the Democratic primary. I’m the only one who’s not a career politician, and who has a business background. I'm going to root out widespread corruption and manage this city a lot better.

I’m a lifelong, hard-core Democrat. I grew up in Tanzania and Nicaragua, the child of teachers who met and married in the Peace Corps. Throughout my life I’ve been tackling big problems, fighting injustice and helping people who are hurting.

35 years ago, my first job out of college was helping start Teach for America right here in New York City. Five years ago, when we were the epicenter of the global pandemic and 800 New Yorkers were dying every day, I didn’t flee the city – I volunteered 12 hours a day for months helping to build and operate the field hospital in Central Park. And as recently as last September, I was on the front lines in Ukraine, dodging Russian drones, delivering aid to soldiers fighting for their country’s freedom.

Susan and I raised our three daughters in New York City, and they’re now building their lives here. But this happy story of a healthy city in which the next generation stays and thrives is becoming increasingly rare, as long-time working class New Yorkers are leaving at an alarming rate.

People are leaving first and foremost because they can’t pay their rent. While rents across the country have been going down, ours, already the highest, have continued to rise because of simple supply and demand. A lot of people still want to live here, but we’ve made it almost impossible to build new housing and maintain existing units.

Secondly, people don’t feel safe. Five years ago, after decades of progress, we had become one of the safest large cities in America. But since then, the seven major felonies are up an average of more than 30%. 

And lastly, people with children are leaving because, despite spending $40 billion – more than $43,000 per child – nearly half the kids in our public schools can’t read at even a basic level.

I wish I could blame the Republicans for our decline, but I can’t. We’re a one-party city and state. City Hall has become corrupt, bloated and beholden to special interests. It’s a toxic combination of bad ideas, executed badly. New Yorkers know it – which is why, in the last three presidential elections, Donald Trump has increased his share of the vote in the city from 17% to 23% to 30%. If you think we’re doing great and want another career politician to run this city, then I’m not your man. But if you’re fed up with how badly they’re running this city and want real change, I’m the only change candidate in the race. 

When I’m elected mayor, I won’t owe anything to anyone, so I’ll be fighting solely for the people of New York City. I pledge to end street homelessness, cut crime in half, double construction of affordable housing, and make New York the best city for small businesses in the world. 

Please join me in the fight for greater prosperity, affordability and safety for every New Yorker, because New York deserves better!